Under every video on YouTube or Break, and under every story on Digg or even right here on Cracked, there is a mini-culture that forms down in the comment section. The hit-and-run nature of the comments means it's fertile ground for some really annoying personalities to thrive.

These are the eight commenter personality types you'd most like to avoid, but can't because they're freaking everywhere.

#8: The Non-Believer

Typical Comment

"FAKE! Did you see how that guy exploded just BEFORE he hit the tree. Fake, don't waste my time."

Who Are They?

They like to think of themselves as the jaded skeptic in a world full of gullible sheeple, determined to be a flickering light of truth in a dark internet full of lies and fake viral videos. "No one could really fart on a birthday cake that way!"

Why We Hate Them:

The guys we're talking about here are the knee-jerk skeptics, the ones who take it too far. They have an automatic reaction to call "fake" on pretty much any video that shows anything remotely remarkable happening. They're not doing it in some grand quest for truth, they just want to feel smarter than the room and generally suck all of the wonder out of the world.

This is the internet, if we want to believe some dudes can catch sunglasses on their face like that, who are they to take that from us, dammit!

#7: The Macho Man

Typical Comment:

"Holy shit!!!!!! That was fukin awsome! but IF that guy did that to me id kill him fuk"

Who Are They?

We think this guy is the same 'roid-monkey, blond-haired, fake tan, lip-pouting douche bag (Pinoy translation: Troy Montero-like rival/villain/bully with a less likeable personality more akin to Chavit Singson) who made your high school life hell. He is the same guy who would have called you "dweeb" if you lived in a 1980's teen movie, but it is more likely that he called you "fucker" and pooped on your porch after egging your house.

Why We Hate Them:

This guy shows up commenting on any video or news story that involves a fist fight or confrontation. He's quick to remind us of what a badass he is in the real world, and is quick to make physical threats ("You want to come to Jersey and say that to my face??!?!?!").

After spending his formative years settling disputes on high school football fields, he's desperate to be the same kind of bully online he is in the real world. But he's found himself in a strange realm where huge biceps don't seem to count for anything, and is having a tough time making the adjustment.

No, you can't punch people over an internet connection, Macho Man. We've tried it.

#6: The Great Defender (guilty ako nito minsan)

Typical Comment:

"I'd like to see you do any better. What have you ever done with your life? Stop judging people and let everyone be who they want to be because, in the end, isn't that what life is all about?"

(NOTE: This comment is usually followed by someone replying with a shatteringly eloquent: FAG!)

Who Are They?

The Great Defender sees himself or herself as a moral crusader, like a cross between Batman and Jesus. In reality they are more like a cross between Jeremy Piven and that annoying girl who always feels the need to inject herself into every conversation, at least long enough to let you know she holds the moral high ground.

Why We Hate Them:

Much like the Non-Believer up there, it's the knee-jerk nature of the Great Defender that's so annoying. You can have a YouTube video of a group of neo-Nazis shooting puppies out of a cannon, and the Great Defender will jump in with, "Wow you have to wonder what kind of trauma these guys had growing up that caused them to be so misguided. Some of you are so quick to judge."

That, or they may chime in with the much more annoying, "There are millions of starving children in the world, and you guys are getting worked up over some puppies?"

That seems to be the Great Defender's favorite weapon, which works on the premise that we're not allowed to get mad at anything as long as something worse is going on elsewhere.

You know what? If we want to be outraged, let us. That's why we watch those videos, it makes us feel better about ourselves. Sure, we may have stolen some movies off Bittorrent, but at least we didn't fire puppies out of a cannon while we were doing it.

#5: Mr. Science

Typical Comment:

"I think you'll find that when you mix pure Hydrogen with Oxygen you don't produce water (2H2O) as would be expected, you, in fact, create an explosion. So it is perfectly normal that this video shows an explosion during the attempted grafting of Helium (He) and Sodium (Na)."

Who Are They?

This guy knows everything about the laws that govern the known universe, even the stuff science hasn't figured out yet. He has an education, works in a lab (or claims to) and has devoted his extraordinary gifts to telling strangers on the internet that they are wrong.

Why We Hate Them:

This guy is the brainiac version of the Macho Man. His goal is not to inform others, but just to make it clear that he knows way, way more than them. This is the guy who stops an entire game of poker because you didn't "burn" the top card before the river."

There's of course a reason this guy is hanging out on YouTube instead of some forum full of other professionals. He gets off on being right so much that he actively seeks out the company of people who are chronically wrong.

He seems to be wholly unaware that showing up in the comments section under some retarded YouTube video is about as impressive as challenging a room full of kindergartners to a fight. Winning is almost as bad as losing.

#4: Hitler's Apprentice

Typical Comment:

"Damn spic, send him back to mexico!"

(NOTE: This is usually posted in a video about Mexicans actually in Mexico.)

Who Are They?

If you need to be told, then you are probably him. He's white, suburban, middle-class, and the only time he's been to the inner city was when Mom and Dad's SUV took a wrong turn in Atlanta because the GPS malfunctioned.

Why We Hate Them:

The internet has done wonders for racism. This guy probably never utters a racist word out in the real world, but once he can hide behind an avatar on the internet... BAM! Mr. KKK the Nazi Loving Aryan Prince rears his ugly head.

If the video or story or photo has a black person in it, this guy will be there unleashing all of the racial epitaphs he's been forced to bottle up while in polite society.

There is also a second tier of these guys who are slightly more educated, in the sense that they have memorized half a dozen highly suspect statistics that support their racism ("Blacks have smaller brains. It's not racist, it's true.") They don't mind that their views on race would have seemed old-fashioned about 40 years ago. They tell themselves they do it for the humor and shock value, which isn't much better since those jokes stopped being funny or shocking about 39 years ago.

#3: The Ninja

Typical Comment:

"your a fag" (in the espiya.net world, "epal", "barbero", "kups", you get the point)

Who Are They?

This commenter is in and out in a flash, they will usually only post one comment, no more no less, just enough to get the job done. The ninja will lay in wait while some comment section argument rages. Then, just as everyone has stopped caring whether or not the new Harry Potter trailer looks stupid, the ninja will strike with such grace and precision that it will devastate everyone who stumbles across his comment, forever changing their lives.

Why We Hate Them:

Their style of drive-by insult is the sort of thing you can't get away with in real life, where shit-stirrers can get called out and often beaten. We can only imagine that he is sitting at home rubbing his hands, glowing in his accomplishment as he watches replies pile up for hours under a cheap insult it took him four seconds to type.

He sees himself as the internet equivalent of the Joker, spreading chaos for chaos' sake. He laughs maniacally towards the heavens, before breaking into a coughing fit and reaching for his asthma inhaler.

#2: The Political Activist

Typical Comment:

"How can you guys sit here and watch a video about two girls pooping into a cup when America is being turned into a Fascist police state?" (if you don't know, you don't have to ask Wink)

Who Are They?

These are almost always college kids who, in the last few months, have begun reading about politics. Unfortunately, all of their reading comes from inflammatory blogs and YouTube videos with techno background music and scary titles.

These guys have just now figured out that--gasp--there is corruption in politics, and now they're storming into every comment box they can find with guns blazing, ready to inform the rest of us about how the world really works.

Why We Hate Them:

Aside from the fact that these people have basically no real education on the topic, grossly exaggerate every issue and cling to every single conspiracy theory that comes along, they are by far the most in-your-face of all of the personalities on this list.

We almost wouldn't mind them if they aimed their comments at videos and articles that actually have something to do with politics. But these guys will inject their love for their favorite politician (ie, Ron Paul) under a YouTube video of a toddler on a trampoline. The only thing that makes us feel better is knowing most of them aren't old enough to vote. (mukhang walang nagpaparamdam nang ganyan dito)

#1: The Bot

Typical Comment:

"That video was FUNNY!!! For more funny videos visit www.fakesite.com/vn/TrojanHorseVirus.rar"

Who Are They?

"They" are not real, they are usually a computer that searches websites and creates fake accounts to post ads about bullshit websites that are often so riddled with spyware that even the pop-ups are enough to shoot sparks and hunks of melted plastic out of your PC.

Why We Hate Them:

Aside from the obvious (that we wanted funny videos but instead we got shit load of midget porn spam and became the 10,000,001th victim of identity theft) there's the fact that these aren't always computer programs. Often they're employees who spend all day manually signing up to websites to post their spam. Regular Bots may screw up our computer. But the idea of humans that do this for a living is just depressing.

The thing is, it's even worse than the most annoying legitimate advertising, because these spammers don't even intend for you to click the link. They're just pasting in code because it helps their search engine rankings (you rank higher on Google when your URL appears on lots of other sites). That's why instead of some kind of enticing link to a product (which, hell, we might even enjoy, who knows) you often get a jumbled bunch of meaningless code meant purely to fool a search engine.

DragonBall the movie

by Johny Cross | 12:33 PM in | comments (0)

Here's a leaked trailer of a movie thats based on one of your (my) favorite childhood anime.

Who Will Kill Naruto???

by Johny Cross | 4:54 PM in | comments (0)

Ive been browsing through the new feature of friendster, friendster forums, and i found this really cute thread. The title was "Who will kill Naruto?"

Now, Sir Dio provided a very good story as a response. Credits go to him.

Episode 1 of 3

song goku with his spirit ball (will kill naruto)..
he miss it because naruto use kagebunshin..

naruto then attack son goku`s tail..
son goku is dying,
10 seconds before he dies,
son goku call `god of dragon` with his dragonballs,
and he ask to change the anime..
naruto become naruto Z, and son goku become dragonball shippunden,,

Episode 2 of 3

goku meet deidara and tobi..
something just happen..

while in the naruto Z..


years later..
there is a legendary fight..


do you know why bezita and goku become friends?
they have been betrayed by naruto and sasuke..

Episode 3 of 3

bezita has been killed by kakashi..

1-0 for naruto vs dragonball..

while in the other battle..


turn 1
kurilin use skill..
he use dororonpa cannon..
critical 2539 poin damage..

neiji use skill..
he use Jyuken..
critical 4125 poin damage..

kurilin become paralyzed..

turn 2..

there`s an event!

neji: you fool, I`ll use my true power..

neji use BYAKUGAN..
his str,dex,int,luck,vit become 99999..

kurilin still paralyzed..

neji attack first,
he use 1001 punch jutsu..
kurilin can`t escape..

unexpected thing happen..

2 second before neji punch kurilin,
the light from sun reflect to the kurilin`s bold head..
It shine the `byakugan eye`..

neji:arrrrggghhhhhh my eyes..

after that,
neji become BLIND forever..
with the eyes which don`t have pupils to see..

kurilin`s paralyze is cured,

kurilin: feel the wrath of the monk..

kurilin use skill,
kurilin`s OVERDRIVE he use V-headbutt!!
it`s kill instantly..

1-1 for naruto vs dragonball..


here`s the final battle..

but I think you know who is the strongest anim character in all anime right..

with his power,
he win easily..
and he become the leader of the akatsuki..


Nostalgia on your favorite websites?

by Johny Cross | 6:18 PM in | comments (0)

Ever wonder what your favorite websites looked like when the internet was just new to you?

The Wayback Machine is a portal where you can browse through webpages archived from 1996 to a few months ago.

This is what NBA.com looked like in 1996

This is what inquirer.net looked like in 1998

This is what yahoo.com looked like in 1996

Go to the Wayback Machine site, type the website which history you wish to see and you'll be provided with archived webpages dating back as far as 1996. Pretty cool, huh?


by Johny Cross | 8:14 PM in | comments (0)

This one comes from page up of espiya.net. I just had to share it with you, lols.

sino mas look alike? lol!





Wanna know what your name means?

by Johny Cross | 7:09 PM in | comments (0)

I remember when I was about 15 when I was watching Dark Angel. I saw the pretty main character and I said to myself "her name should be Jessica" Now, I dont care if you believe me or not, but trust me, Im not lying here.

Ive been browsing through some friendster profiles to look for ideas for profiles I might plan to make in the future. Here's something you might want to place in your Friendster profile, or myspace, or blog, or site.

What your name means....

Just input your name on the space provided and hit submit. In a second, youll get a description of the personality of the person that best fits that name.

See, its not necessarily your personality. Its what your name sounds like. Its what people expects from you. Go ahead and try it.

Now, if you're expected to be someone who is good, then well and good, be that man. If it turns out that your name sounds like that of a criminal, then, you'll be provided with a challenge to show people that man should not pre judge or be judged by others based on his name, looks, or face.

Want to Download youtube Videos?

by Johny Cross | 8:56 PM in | comments (0)

Wish you had that youtube video on your ipod, psp or cellphone? This is your answer...

TubeSucker - YouTube Video Downloader is the most powerful YouTube Video Downloader and Media Player System on the planet. It simply has more features than all the rest.

TubeSucker's main features include Batch Downloading Videos from Youtube, up to 32 videos at a time, Batch Conversion to different formats, ability to easily email stored video links, Batch Download Videos of your MP3 Collection with one click, Batch Download YouTube Playlist, Batch Downlaod list of Youtube URL's, integated media player, AnySite feature lets you download videos from almost any website, Parental Controls, a Multi-Track Video/Audio Editor so you can make your own movies from videos, audio, pictures, and text. Plus the ability to make video clips and send them to cellphones. And coming very soon, the ability to Batch Upload Videos to Youtube.

By default, it downloads the videos in their FLV formats. You need a codec for that or you can download VLC media player to play it on your computer. The nifty thing about this little program, however, is that you can convert the video into the popular formats AVI or MP4. Pretty cool huh.

Check out their site by clicking here

Want More Predictions?

by Johny Cross | 9:36 PM in | comments (0)

When I first read about the prediction i posted yesterday, the first thought that came to mind was another prediction about a calamity hitting the Philippines. This was posted last year in another forum i regularly visit.

It involves our present day hero, pambansang kamao Manny Pacquiao...

13 days after Pacquiaos victory against Eric Morales naganap ang
wowowie stampede..

13 days after pacquiaos victory against Larios,Mayon Volcano erupted, many died in mudflow..

13 days after Barrera, Glorietta 2 exploded.

Many people were waiting to see what would happen 13 days after Marquez, but they were disappointed. Perhaps it was because the result was questionable. Or maybe because the fact that many knew of the prediction, it was cancelled.

June 29, Pacquiao won convincingly against Diaz. Mark your calendars for July 12. What do you know, now we have 2 dates to mark. 12 and 18. I urge everyone to pray, and pass this message so that everyone may be alerted and help in cancelling this predicted tragedy.

"●18 of July 2008: 8.1 earthquake in Philippines; thousands of people dead."

I dont know if this is true but as the 18th of July looms near, Pinoy Forums and Blogs are being haunted by posts which involves the prophecy of a Brazilian guy named Juseleeno Nobulega Daroose.

Here's the details provided by Kisstherain on yahoo answers (I dont know where these details came from originally. But Kisstherain's was the easiest to understand)

Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose is a Brazilian, born in 1960, 47 years of age and currently a vocational school teacher. He can accurately predict future events with unbelievable precision (including the year, month and day and has made attempts to systematically document his predictions everytime he wakes up from his 'prophetic dreams'. If the prediction concerns an ordinary individual, he will simply write a letter to warn him or her. If the prediction concerns a large number of people (or an important individual) and can have serious repercussions such that it warrants serious attention, he will send letters to the concerned agencies, governments, etc.

He mentioned that he began to have visions of future events in his dreams when he was still a child of nine years in 1969. Such dreams came naturally to him. He predictions are known to be unusually accurate. An outstanding example is afforded by his prediction of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. He had sent a letter to the Indian

He had sent a letter to the Indian Ambassador in Brazil to warn of the event eight years before it actually occurred in 1996. It was stated in the letter that "he predicted an 8.9 mag earthquake will occur on December 26, 2004 in Indonesia's Aceh. Indonesia and India will be devastated by a tsunami 10 meters high. Similar letters were also sent to the Thai, Phillipino, Indonesian embassies in Brazil. Ample proofs are provided by the time stamps on the letters. Unfortunately, appropriate actions were not taken by the authorities. Predictions (especially those that arise from prophetic dreams) are almost always treated with a high level of suspicion and skepticism since they lie in the realm of pseudoscience. However, there is still so much that science cannot explain. See for example the double-slit paradox in quantum physics.

Mr Juseleeno made known his predictions in the hope that people will take heed of his warnings so that these disasters can be averted. (From the Buddhist point of view, awareness of such predictions can have a subconscious influence on the course of future events. Our physical environment is intimately connected to not only our actions but even to our thoughts). He hopes there will be a major change in mindsets of people in the time period leading up to 2008.

Both Juseleeno and John Croino (another well-known but elusive prophet) predicted major seismic activities and climatic changes in the years after 2007. John Croino mentioned:

"Then from mid-2007, the shock of events and disasters will increase month by month, worse storms, more violent seismic activity, bizarre and terrifying ominous events that seem to foretell of some great change brewing. Most people will not truly realize even a hint of bad it will become until late 2008. Every year from 2007 until 2014, will be increasingly nightmarish, with the peak period being 2012-2014. The sky will be dark in those places for long enough to truly frighten people and damage crop yields."

Note that Juseleeno also predicted unusually dark and gloomy skies over large parts of the earth starting from 2012. The parallels between the two sets of prophecies are simply too overwhelming.

Mr. Juseleeno, born in 1960 (reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana’s death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911 and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and has an average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he will write them down, and send warnings to those concerned. If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warn him/her. If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters concerning the public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, but also related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media to publicize these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines of rejection for fear of arousing public panic.

Future Predictions:

● successful development of effective drugs for treatment of AIDS disease and Dengue fever
●18 of July: 8.1 earthquake in Philippines; thousands of people dead.
●Sept: terrorist attacks at the New York Empire State Building
●13 of Sept: Super-strong 9.1 earthquake in China; epicenter in Nanning and Hainan Island; also results in over 30 meters of tsunami costing millions of lives; likely to devastate Japan as well.

● 25th of Jan: an 8.9 mag earthquake in Kobe and Osaka, hundreds of thousands of people will be killed.
● Nov: another major earthquake will occur in Japan again, thousands of people dead.
● Economic crisis causes delays in payment of pension and insurance funds in Brazil; city and prison riots rampant.
● 24th of Aug: 8.9 mag earthquake in Istanbul of Turkey; the streets will be devastated.
● 16th of Dec: Sumatra 7.8 mag earthquake in Indonesia's Sumatra Islands in the East; thousands of people dead.

● average temperature of the African nations could be as high as 58 degrees Celsius; severe water shortages and droughts.
● 15th of May: New York stock market collapses, the world's economy plunges into major crisis.

● research into effective treatment of cancer successful, but a new disease will emerge. This deadly virus is named "ALS"; if infected with the virus, one can die in as short as just four hours.
● H5N1 strain of bird flu infects humans; pandemic causes more than 3 million humans to perish by 2013.

● massive desertification occurs from 2015 to 2020, leading to disappearance of a large part of amazon.
● from 6th Dec, the sky worldwide begins to turn gloomy: An ominous event which precedes dramatic earth changes and widespread and severe natural calamities.
● dramatic spread of infectious diseases signifies beginning of human extin
● dramatic spread of infectious diseases signifies beginning of human extinction.

● research into effective treatment of cancers (other than brain tumour) successful.
● violent eruption of volcano on Bahamas Island of the West Indies (islands near Caribbean Sea) from 1st to 25th of November, triggering unprecedented 150m high tsunami which travel rapidly to devastate large coastal areas of US, Brazil, etc. with about 80m high water waves. These huge killer waves will travel inland for about 20 km, causing tremendous loss of lives. Before the onset of the tsunami, sea level in the affected areas will drop by about 6 m and mass migration of birds will be observed.

● scientists discover that the slowly approaching asteroid 2002 NT7 might be on a colliding course with the Earth; if so, will lead to an unprecedented castastrophe which threatens the existence of mankind.

● Nov: the average temperature of the Earth could be as high as 59 degrees Celsius and

● mid April: powerful typhoon(s) strike China's metropolis; causing widespread damage and leaving about 1,000 people dead.
● U.S. (Ex) President George W. Bush will be rushed to hospital and face life-threatening crisis.

● leaders and scientists of the world largest countries in heated disputes amidst discussions on ways to avert the 'colliding asteroid' disaster. (Note: Jucelino had already, in 2000, foreseen the forthcoming disaster and had warned the NASA of the existence of this asteroid. NASA had confirmed its existence and had named the asteroid "2002 NT7" on 31st June 2002. From news on the web,

"On July 9, 2002, the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Project (an MIT Lincoln Laboratory program funded by the United States Air Force and NASA) in New Mexico detected a 1.2-mile-wide (2 km) asteroid. It has an orbit around our sun of 837 days, and early calculations indicate there is a small chance that this asteroid will collide with Earth on February 1, 2019

Asteroid 2002 NT7 has the potential to strike the Earth at over 64,000 mph and delivering and explosive force of 1.2 million megatons of TNT. The result of an impact by 2002 NT7 would be destruction of 'biblical proportions'."

● scientists may develop an ingenious way to avert the asteriod catastrophe; but if a collision results, one-third of the world population will perish. Jucelino predicted a probability of about 60 percent.
● major quake (more powerful than the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake) on eastern coast of Japan, leading to widespread destruction.

Now according to this site "His trick is to write letters about things that happened in the past, then forge a postmark on the envelope to make is appear as if he had written the letter before the event took place. He has been exposed for this fraud in the past."

Now, there's no harm in taking precautions, and thanks to this blog we are provided with information we can use just in case an earthquake does happen.

Till then, Spread the Word. They say the more people that waits for a prediction to happen, the lesser the chance the predction will come true.

Naruto, Deathnote, Bleach and now Soul Eater. These animes are easily downloaded from torrent and p2ps. But what if you wanted an anime you've watched when you were younger, and youve searched and searched the internet for download links? Chances are you wont find it or you've got a torrent file with 0 to 1 seeds.

Now, Legend of Condor Heroes is one of my most favorite animes. Its one that boasts that you dont need to spend much on creating a good anime. Its the story that carries all animes and everything you watch. Without the story, an anime is nothing. (Thats why FFX was and still is very addicting).

Where did i find my download?

Right here at animea.net, you'll find tons and tons of animes you never imagined you'd find in the internet.

Now before going through the download links, i suggest you install the megaupload toolbar. CLICK HERE Thats of course, unless youre a premium member of a file hosting site.

See, rapidshare limits your download every hour to 1. You'd have to wait a few or more (its actually MORE) minutes before you can download another file from them. Megaupload, meanwhile, gives 50 slots for a certain country that can download a file from them. But, if you've got the toolbar installed, you can download the next file immediately after your first download ends. Cool, huh?

Alright, enough of that. Enjoy your downloads.

Yeh yeh. I know you all know that line by now. But this is just what came to my mind when i heard about the latest news on the FHM Top 100 Sexiest Women voting. The public is given power to choose who they think deserves the award and instead votes for who they are idolizing. See, guys, just because you like someone, it doesnt make it right to vote for him/her in all things he/she wants to enter.

The country already has its share of mistakes here. I myself am a victim of this. I got wind that I was the first choice for a certain job position, but someone who knew someone got it instead. Presidential elections is a very big example for what Im trying to say here. We all probably know what elections we've had our share of mistakes.

Anyways,let me direct you to where the FHM Ranting is happenning.

I'll tell you what I think. Everyone commenting there realizes they have great power. Everyone throwing dirt on a network, magazine, candidate, instead of explaining why her candidate must be the winner, is not doing his/her responsibility.

The latest update on the tallies, by the way. Thanks to espiya.net for the info

1. Marian Rivera
2. Katrina Halili
3. Ehra Madrigal
4. Angel Locsin
5. Diana Zubiri
6. Anne Curtis
7. Cristine Reyes
8. Iwa Moto
9. Angelica Panganiban
10. Jennylyn Mercado

It is very rare to find a movie where you just want to stay glued to your seat just to watch every second of it. In an action movie for example, you may want to go make yourself a sandwich during a few drama moments. You can do without the kissing and bed scenes in a romantic movie. And you can do without the singing in some of those disney movies.

Trust me, this movie will make you want to spend every second watching it from start to finish.

Everyone loves a good romantic movie especially if the comedy and drama part is not forced. This is where this movie excels. I dont want to spoil the story to you. I'd like you to enjoy it the way I did.

Go grab a copy of 200 pounds beauty (and make sure its got subtitles, alright?)

Take a Picture of Your Favorite Website

by Johny Cross | 12:48 PM in | comments (0)

Back in the year 2005, Friendster started opening its profiles to its members allowing them to modify the way their profiles look like via CSS and HTML coding. 3 years later, and everyone will take at least 2 to 3 hours per week just to do a little tinkering with his/her profile.

If you think your profile is cool enough and you want to show it to someone, or perhaps post a picture of it in your scrapbook, you could go the PRINT SCREEN PASTE way but that will only get you to less than half of the entire page.

Webshots is a free application that takes a picture of your profile - actually, it takes pictures of any webpage you want it to - and saves it automatically into a jpeg file in your computer. Pretty neat huh???

Download Webshots from here

Here's a sample....

And Im Telling You many many times

by Johny Cross | 8:16 PM in | comments (0)

If there was one song that have been popularized by many different singers, its "And Im Telling You Im not Going by Jennifer Holiday". The song is one that does not wither. Its one song you'd probably want to sing when you're in the bathtub or taking a shower just to amaze yourself you can sing it. Here you go, videos of the different personalities that have a part of the song.

Jennifer Hudson

Lakisha Jones

Bianca Ryan

Charice Pempengco

David Archuleta

All of the above has this girl to thank

Jennifer Holiday


by Johny Cross | 5:40 PM in | comments (0)

Im back here in Manila and this time, im trying my fortune on some work abroad. I have just been to an agency, and boy, that was some adventure.

One thing I can share about this here in this post is this:

College life is fun. But it is a very important period in your life. See, once you get off college, its time to start building your resumes. Coz, once youre through with college, what will you have in your resume? Think about it.

Now, for those who are well in life, they could go for some volunteer jobs and seminar trainings their parents can sponsor. But for those who want immediate employment, i think its better if you can fill up your resume from things that come your college years. Join a club, or be a student council officer, or display your talents. Its these little things that will tell your employer that you have commitment to your duties and that you arent passive but willing to develop yourself more and more.

So, its ok to have get some dates, have a night out with friends, do some wild things. But take some time to do something you can write on your resume, ok???

Need I say more? Kobe chokes.

by Johny Cross | 5:55 PM in | comments (0)

If you've read my prediction about the NBA playoffs, you'll see that i was right. If the lakers were to stop the celtics, they needed to stop Paul Pierce. They didnt and now they go to their 2nd straight Finals loss.

Now, most people are really happy (and there's something evil with that happiness) about Kobe and his team losing. This may be alright but - we have to be objective and impartial about this - Kobe is a great player. Sure, he's got attitude problems but all in all, you pick a guy in the NBA that you want to put in a 1 vs 5 situation, trust me, youll be picking this guy.

Now, enough of that already. Let's go to the Celtics' side.

During last year's off season, I was very excited to know who won the Garnett lottery. I was hoping it would be the Mavs, but I opened NBA.com and wow, there it was, Garnett was going to Boston, and the turnaround began.

Garnett's presence and playing skills gave the Celtics the best record this season, but believe it or not, the key role went to Paul Pierce the day the playoffs began.

Game 7 of their first and second rounders prove this. Pierce gave them hope the time they were feeling low.

This is the very essence of Basketball now. A Paint cluttered with big men trying to stop a smaller guy from scoring. That's all there is to it. It doesn't matter if you've got a good outside shooter (Sorry, Allen). It doesn't matter if you've got the best big man (Sorry KG). What Matters is if your shooting guard can attack the basket and create.

This 6 game series was filled with lots of those moments from Pierce and just a few from Kobe. If you take Garnett and Allen out, the games would still have been close. But if Pierce was out, it would have been doomsday celtics. See, Pierce (and Kobe) has this ability to push even if others are down. They are almost unstoppable. The only person that can actually stop them are their own selves.

Now, Pierce doesnt know it but he believes he is unstoppable because Garnett and Allen were there. This is where Kobe failed. He looked at his teammates as if they were second raters to the other team. I was waiting for him to go God Mode. He didn't. In the end, it wasnt the Celtics that stopped Kobe, it was himself.

Erotica sucks....

by Johny Cross | 8:37 PM in | comments (0)

I bought FHM Annual Collectors Magazine while I was at Manila. If you notice the cover, it says Ladies Confession Special. Well, sorry to say this but whoever bought the damn thing would be half disappointed.

The whole point to the Ladies Confession Title is that its about girls telling stories of their naughty doings. That, and a few photos and sketches of what guys like to drool on.

I ripped the plastic covering and opened the first page of my newly owned magazine and there I saw names of, guess what, Writers..and when I say writers, I meant professional ones. Let me make it clear that I'm not against arts and literature. I have my share of them at home and also love to collect them (I'll probably post about the 20 copies of the little mythology book someday). But FHM is FHM...sigh

So there I was, I turned to some pages. Sure I liked the photos, but Im not after that either. Whats the purpose of a reading material if you dont read it? Then I read some of the stories. I confirmed it in less than an hour. This isnt Confessions, its literary fantasy, with more emphasis on literary than fantasy.

Oh well, it is a collector's item. But...what a disappointment.

Some Crazy Guys in Cubao

by Johny Cross | 10:05 PM in | comments (0)

I was riding a taxi when we passed by Cubao, and then I saw this

Forgive me for the blurry image but it was all my Nokia6230i can do. There are 4 lunatics hanging outside the jeepney. What the picture doesnt show you is how the jeepney kept swerving from left to right. I knew that it was the driver's intention to scare those crazy guys. See, look here...

There are a lot of empty spaces inside the jeepney for these monkeys to sit on, but they choose to enjoy a brush with death. Hopefully, the government can look into this problem.

Just Arrived From StressVille

by Johny Cross | 7:27 PM in | comments (0)

I just got back from my trip to Manila, and boy, was that ever a very stressful week. For the 4 days I was there, I had to go everyday to at least 3 different places. Recto, Gilmore, Cubao, Ortigas, Pasig, and many others. It exhausted my wallet, and my energy.

The one thing thats really frustrating is that every cafe I go to, they either don't have the applications I need, or that they are running a cafe software that limits the applications you can use, depending upon the service you require. I wanted to play my favorite online game, but they block the internet browsers if you do that. Then if i do surf the net, the games would be gone. Grrrrrr!!! That really, really sucks.

I will share a few experiences on my next post, but right now, I prefer hitting the sack. Matutulog na ako!!! Sweet Dreams to ME!!!

And a Happy Fathers Day to every father out there.


by Johny Cross | 5:23 PM in | comments (0)

I know i missed a post that was due for yesterday, but i've got an excuse. I had to leave for Manila, again. Haha. Perhaps I could attend that New Online Game Launching Event at Glorietta. Anyway, I was riding a train on my way to Gilmore when the sky suddenly grew dark, and then, KRRRRRRRRKKKKZT!!!! Right in front of me, I saw this very bright lightning strike the ground. It stayed there for about 5 to 6 seconds. Thats enough time for me to reach for my cellphone and take a shot but alas, my battery's empty. Thats what I get for forgetting to bring my charger. Might as well buy a cheap one while I'm here somewhere at SM Sta. Mesa waiting for the rain to subside.


Sneak Peek FHM Top 10 Unofficial Tally

by Johny Cross | 10:29 PM in | comments (0)

Thanks to Ybanag from Espiya.net, we have inside information regarding the latest results of the FHM Sexiest Women of 2008

1. Angel Locsin
2. Katrina Halili
3. Marian Rivera
4. Iwa Moto
5. Diana Zubiri
6. Ehra Madrigal
7. Jennylyn Mercado
8. EB Babe Lian
9. Angelica Panganiban
10. Cristine Reyes

I am really really in awe as to why Precious Adona aint there. Oh well, the tally is still ongoing, and the voting as well, so i can still get my hopes up.

To find out how to vote, proceed here:


The Art of Coffee

by Johny Cross | 9:24 PM in | comments (0)

The sky kinda went angry late this afternoon and the sound of thunder was so loud you thought a black out is inevitable. Thank goodness, it didnt happen. See, its times like these you may want to have a cup of coffee while enjoying that cool sensation brought about by vapors in the wind.

And speaking of coffee, you may want to try some of these....

The Art Of Coffee - More amazing video clips are a click away

NBA Finals My prediction

by Johny Cross | 8:32 PM in | comments (0)

It is now just a few hours before the greatest rivalry in basketball history will yet again meet on the grandest battlefield. Perhaps after this series (and season) is over, we will come to a realization. This is no longer the game decided by whoever has the big men. The NBA today has come to a battle of shooting guards. It has become that battle that the NBA drafts we had for the past few years, has very little to offer when it comes to the number 2 position.

See, long ago, it was the battle of big men. Bill Russel was the player to symbolize the big man of NBA. When your big man is good, you'd win your championship. Then came Abdul Jabbar, with his unstoppable hook shot.

Come, the age of the 90s and Michael Jordan started to prove that if you cant stop the 2, then youre in bid trouble. He's got 6 rings to prove that. Early 2000 and Kobe did that, 3 times.

The Spurs and Pistons did come in, but see, during this time, no shooting guards were good enough to stop them. In fact, the very essence of their style of play was to stop the shooting guard from scoring. Do that and you win, Fail and you lose.

Now, its Kobe's time in the spotlight. He has endured the best style that is capable of stopping a 2. This time, if he has to win, then that wont be the style he needs to deal with, but his very own. Im talking about Paul Pierce, the Celtic's number 2. Whoever stops the other will win for his team a championship, i guarantee that. Whoever plays better will win it.

Foreign Movie of the Day

by Johny Cross | 7:18 PM in | comments (0)

Since Pinoy Movies have finally started to gain notice in international competitions, the last one being "Serbis" at the Cannes Festival, I'm thinking the Pinoys should further their horizons when it comes to movie entertainment. Sure, we want to watch Spielberg's star wars, or the next Transformers movie, as well as the very-missed Sex and the City movie, but guess what? The Americans and the Englishmen arent the only great movie makers out there. We've proven that. In fact, thats what we were shouting in those newspapers and tv shows, right? Its that Pinoys are great movie makers too.

Well, youre wrong. The message was actually what i already said. That the americans and the englishmen arent the only great filmmakers out there. There are thousands of them, coming from different nationalities. Pinoys Too!!!

Speaking of a great foreign movie, here's a treat. Korean. Since we love to watch Filipino-dubbed korean tv shows, we might as well watch their movies right? Right?

This is a clip from the movie Sex is Zero, one of the highest grossing box office movie in Korea. I suggest you get a copy, coz its worth your time watching, trust me.

When i first watched the movie, it was without subtitles. And I could understand most of their actions. Haha!!! You will too, im sure. But just in case, go get one with subtitles.

Just to warn you, the movie has 3 bed scenes, 2 of them with frontal exposures.

Here's something that I want to share. You know how almost everyone has a cellphone, especially in our country. The convincing power of "piso per text" is just so strong that even those considered to be poor already owns a cellphone, most of them with built in cameras.

This is an article from yahoo personals and I thought you may want to read it.

For those of you who use text messaging as a form of communication with someone you're dating, whether you have a BlackBerry or an Apple iPhone, text messaging is the most abused and misinterpreted form of communication out there.
There are some things for which text messaging is great. It's great for confirming things ("See you tonight at 7:00 at Joe's Restaurant.") It's great as a good night kiss ("Did you get home safely?"). It's great to reconfirm things ("What time are we meeting on Sunday? Let me know.") It's great for when you want to lob in a quick message to someone when they can't talk on the phone ("Can't wait to see you tonight.")
Texting is all about short conversations, and can be useful and fun in the dating context. Texting used in certain other ways, however, gets ugly within the dating context -- and can really get you into trouble. Some of these uses should be avoided because they can cause unintended misunderstandings, while others are simply bad manners or outright rude!
So, here are seven of the biggest misuses of texting that you should avoid in the dating context:
1. Save the Jokes. One drawback of texting (as with any written form of communication) is that it is sometimes difficult to convey the tone of what you write. Words are often misinterpreted. You can text somebody something that you think is a joke, and they don't read it that way. This will get you into trouble, because they may never call you back and give you the opportunity to straighten out the misunderstanding. So if you want to tell someone you're dating a joke, it's best to save it and tell it to them in person.

2. Texting is Not Intended to Cancel a Date. If you don't want to see somebody again, you need to call them and cancel the plans. Texting is the chicken way to blow someone off, whether you ever intended to see them again or not. Texting is not an excuse to be rude. Be a grown-up and pick up the phone.

3. Don't Ask Someone Out via Text Message. Women especially can't stand when a guy asks them out via text messaging. Every woman I've spoken to thinks that when a guy asks them out via text message, that he really is not that interested in them. They all wish a guy would just pick up the phone. Guys, if you're interested then be a man and just pick up the phone! Granted, some women will say yes to a text date, but they will always prefer if you call them.

4. Avoid the 'Morning After' Text. If you had a great date with someone the night before, don't text the person the minute you get up the next morning. Wait a few hours. Let the post-date recap settle down on both sides. Give someone a little time to think about you. There's no harm in waiting a few hours, especially after a first date. You don't want to look over-anxious.

5. Keep the Texting to a Minimum. Once you've texted back and forth a few times, and unless one of you is in a Turkish prison being tortured by a not-so-friendly cell mate, you need to pick up the phone and have a real conversation. You will not discover whether you share a true connection with someone by conversing with them via text message. Also, as two adults, you need to have an actual voice-to-voice conversation. So go ahead and exchange a few texts, but then get yourself on the phone!

6. You May Not Get an Answer. Just because you texted someone, doesn't mean they're going to respond. This is another issue with using text messaging as your main communication method -- especially in the dating context. You're texting back and forth with someone, then you send something to them and they don't respond. They may have gotten on the phone. They may have fallen asleep. They may have gone into a meeting. Because texting is so impersonal, though, you don't know what happened to them.

7. You Are Left Wondering. Let's say you texted someone on a Tuesday, they responded to your text, you texted them again and... now it's Friday and they still haven't texted back. What does someone do in that situation? They may not be keeping a text count like you are. They may have forgotten to text you back because they got on a long phone call or got caught up in some work, and your text may have gotten lost. Let me ask you a question? Do you answer every email that comes in... or does one sometimes get buried and go unanswered? If you haven't heard from someone in a few days, pick up the phone and call them. You never know what they're response is going to be. Most of the time you're going to be pleasantly surprised, but all of the time you're going to get your answer. That's what dating is all about... getting answers. Plus, you won't drive yourself and your friends crazy wondering.
There's a lot of misinterpretation that can happen via text messaging. Understanding all of the seven reasons above will help you navigate the fun side of texting in dating, while helping you avoid the bad side of texting in dating.
Texting is a great way have a little verbal flirting to stay connected in someone's life. It's not a replacement for a phone conversation. So if you're hoarding your cell phone minutes, I suggest you contact your provider and get some more minutes. Start having conversations again instead of hiding behind text messaging!

Original Article

June Bride

by Johny Cross | 7:27 PM in | comments (0)

Ever wonder why women loves to have their weddings in June? Well, here is the reason. The term June Bride was actually made famous by a movie with the same title.

Here's the synopsis from wikipedia

Foreign correspondent Carey Jackson returns to New York City when his newspaper's Vienna office is closed and is offered a job on a women's magazine called Home Life. He accepts the position only because it will put him in daily contact with editor Linda Gilman, whom he once loved. Linda is averse to the idea because of his leaving her three years earlier, but agrees she'll hire him if he'll keep their relationship on a strictly professional level.

The two head for the Brinker home in Crestville, Indiana to prepare a feature story about eldest daughter Jeanne's wedding to Bud Mitchell for the June issue. Linda wants Carey to write a simple story about the young couple, but he insists on looking for an angle, which presents itself in the form of Jeanne's younger sister Barbara, who confesses she always has been in love with Bud, the brother of Jeanne's former beau Jim, who was dumped by Jeanne when he joined the Army. At first Carey proposes they ask an officer he knows to order Jim home for the wedding, but thinks better of it, knowing he'll lose his job if the wedding plans are disrupted. Barbara, however, secretly telephones Carey's friend and arranges a leave for Jim.

Complications ensue when Jim arrives home and Carey tries to get rid of him while Linda, unaware of the reality of the situation, intervenes and makes him stay. Jim and Jeanne elope, Linda fires Carey, Carey feigns interest in Barbara to make Bud jealous, and the scheme succeeds, with Bud proposing to Barbara. Despite losing his job, Carey writes his story, Linda realizes he always knew the truth about the couples, and the two reconcile.

Im not feeling so well today

by Johny Cross | 7:31 PM in | comments (0)

I dont know, but i just woke up with numb feet, an achy head, a burning stomach, a sore throat, clogged nose, and my arms are painful too. I checked my temperature and it was 38.5. This is the flu, I think. Good thing I know a few things about the disease so here's what I did

1. Take Paracetamol 500mg during episodes of high fever. See, when you have a fever during flus, its the body actually combating the infection. You take anti-pyretics (anti-fever) only when the temperature exceeds 38.

2. Gargle. Make sure you gargle with a mouthwash with antibacterial effects. There are those products that give claims to provide an icy effect. Refrain from these. And when you gargle, gargle for at least 30 seconds.

3. Brush your teeth regularly. In fact, every time you finish eating something (or drinking anything that has a taste), you need to brush your teeth. The flu virus feeds on carbohydrates so we wanna keep the entry points clean of this.

4. Go HOT. Bath yourself with warm water. Eat hot soup.

5. Rest yourself. The more energy you save, the more energy your immune system can use.

6. Go for foods that rejuvenates you. These are mainly fruits and vegetables. Refrain from foods that make you stagnant mainly fried foods. Im taking apples and im feeling better after every bite. (When you take a bite, and swallow the apple, feel the sensation it brings to your body. If you're imaginative enough, you can feel small electric discharges rush through your body towards your fingers and toes).

7. Sleep in a non-humid environment.

8. Sleep with hard pillows. By this, i mean that you make sure that your head gets elevated so as to open your nasal passages.

Oh well, im hoping i get better tomorrow.

Its the 29th of May

by Johny Cross | 9:39 PM in | comments (0)

Wedding bells are yet to toll again as we enter the month of June. But you know what, I just can't let this month go while leaving behind someone precious, and who else is precious but this month's FHM Covergirl, Precious Adona. Enjoy the pics.

Leave her behind? No, you can't. You just can't.

Credits go to whoever uploaded it on the internet (of course it wasnt me).

Its ToyCon yet again

by Johny Cross | 7:19 PM in | comments (0)

Alas, Johny D Cross is once again to face his childhood. This coming June 14-15, the 7th The Annual Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention will be held at the SM Megatrade Halls 2-3. Be there and you may get a chance to find (and get) a limited edition toy you've been dreaming of. Or you maybe after the freebies. Hey, before you go home, you'll be guaranteed a number of FREE ACTION FIGURES you'll be collecting from different booths.

Further, you can delight yourself with different babes present in the convention. The idea is that the booths with attractive girls attracts more visitors, and I'm not talking about just men visitors, but men and women alike. See, once i was in a convention and there was this model (her name is Cherrysh, you probably know her coz she has posed for a men's mag) and there was this woman who wanted her boyfriend to pose with her for a picture, coz she's just so pretty. Haha.

And, don't we all just love cosplays? The event has one. And this is just one of the contests fans can join. To know more, just visit the site.


No, I wont have a booth there, lols. Johny D Cross is just another lay person, but this man has taste and knows the goodness in life. That's why i will be there, along with the other johny d crosses who just love a good event.

See ya there!!!!

Youtube Alternatives

by Johny Cross | 9:04 PM in | comments (0)

When you play online games (in an internet cafe), you would most likely NOT WANT to see fellow customers who are video and audio streaming. The most popular of these, is of course, Youtube. See, when a video plays, the browser needs to download the video first into the temporary internet files, before he can view it...and videos are big files which takes up a lot of bandwidth to download.

So, a friendly advise for video streaming fanatics is to satisfy your hobby in places where you wont be a menace, like say, your own home, or a cafe which caters more to non-gamers like you. There are a few of them though, so good luck.

Now, aside from youtube, there are plenty of other video streaming sites you can go to. Some, can even stream you live tv channels (like hayag.com, a site i featured in my old blog at wordpress). Here are a few of them:

Yahoo Videos
Current TV
College Humor
Game Trailers
MySpace Video
Mofile TV

Have Fun with the list.

Wanna Play Poker?

by Johny Cross | 9:35 PM in | comments (0)

Sports Channels have added Texas Hold'em Poker into their timeslots and, what do you know, it attracted many pinoys to the game. I mentioned I was in Manila last week, remember? Well, late night is alive in Manila with Poker players gambling wherever there was a street light available.

The truth about Poker is that its not really a game you play because you wanna get rich, unless you're really dumb. It's a game you play because you want to test your wits, unless you plan on cheating. Texas is a game of wits, not a game of luck. The money you gamble is just a testament to your superiority in intellect.

So, instead of losing your money just to enjoy the excitement of poker, why not play with virtual money?

WWW.TRIPLEJACK.COM is a very good site for any poker players who are after good and clean fun.

Subscription is free. You can opt to pay a few bucks, though, to remove ads, and get some added bonus features.

You never run out of money. Sure, you may choose to go all-in and lose, but you instantly get 5000 virtual dollars when your bank money rans out.

If i know one thing about us Pinoys, its that if its a good site, Pinoys would most likely flood it. And trust me, it is flooded with dozens of Filipino Speaking people.

The best part for me, is that you get the chance to throw virtual pies on any player you want. Haha.

Oh, and did i mention that you also get to see Santa play Dealer on some tables?

Movie Scores

by Johny Cross | 7:24 PM in | comments (0)

Sure, you love to have the latest Rihanna or Miley Cyrus songs on your ipod. Thats what everyone wants. Thats what everyone is singing (or at least the young ones). Hey, once in a while, when you get bored listening to mainstream songs, try a different kind of music.

Movie Scores are those that composers make to give life to a scene in a movie. I figured, they may also give life to a scene in your life. When your feeling down, or when you need to reflect on your life once in a while. If they did their job in the movies, they may also do their job with you.

Here's a good list.



Youtube has prevented embedding of this. Titans Spirit as you may know, is the score for Remember the Titans. But, it is also occasionally used as a theme song (usually a closing song) for the winter olympics. Click on this link and you'll find one of the most beautiful olympic montage ever made.


The NBA Draft Lottery Process

by Johny Cross | 10:06 AM in | comments (0)

This is an explanation to how a draft lottery is conducted.

1. Only the first 14 picks are determined by the lottery.

2. The 14 teams with the lowest record during the preceding season are eligible for the lottery.

3. Each team are given combinations. Treat a combination as a ticket. The lower the number of wins a team had, the more tickets they get.

4. A Ticket has a ticket number (dont we all know that). The ticket number's pattern is a-b-c-d where each number is any number from 1 to 14.

Example. Miami could have been given 1-1-1-1, 1-2-2-2, 1-3-3-3, 1-14-14-14. Miami's winning ticket (the number 2 draft pick) was 1-11-13-7. So this means Miami was also given this ticket.

5. On draft day, 14 ping pong balls number 1 to 14 are deposited into a machine.

6. When drafting begins, they first determine which combination gets draft pick number 1.

7. During the previously conducted lottery, the first ball was 11, then 9, then 7, then 13. Ticket number 11-9-7-13 is owned by Chicago, thus giving Chicago the chance at Beasley or Rose.

Movies to Watch this 2008

by Johny Cross | 8:40 PM in | comments (0)


by Johny Cross | 8:49 PM in | comments (0)

The reason i have not posted for the past few days is because I had to leave for Manila. I apologize if anyone was expecting for an update.

When I'm not at home (or at work), its very hard to find a place where I can just sit down, relax, and share a few words on my blog. See, unlike at home, i have to deal with the hassles of commuting just to get to an internet cafe (and hope that my online games are available there, lols).

Anyway, the major reason actually is Cosme. Funny, PAGASA chose to name the typhoon with a name that actually brings smile to many Pinoys. If I were to exclude everyone else's problems with the typhoon, I'd say I'm pretty much in hell myself. I was doing a little shopping to give my wife and children when I return home, then the rain drops so heavily, its like you're being poked with blunt objects.

Buses and jeeps are filled with passengers, and youd have to wait in the middle of the highway, or else, lose the chance of getting a seat. Hailing a taxi isnt a ray of sunshine either. The dark and cloudy atmosphere seems to make the drivers lose sight of those people waving their hands just to get noticed, and when the taxi does notice and stop, they'd stop about a hundred feet from where you are. And did i mention you're doing all that with the rain hammering down on you, and your shoes -and your feet- getting soggy and cold (and painful for those with certain illnesses).

And thats just me. Go get a newspaper of all the damages this Cosme has done. Cosme is supposed to be a character played by the Philippine Comedy King. But this time, we're not laughing.

Real Fun is Japanese Fun

by Johny Cross | 8:32 PM in | comments (0)

Gag shows, the television shows have many of them. Some good clean fun that wants to make you grin or laugh from time to time. If you don't know what i mean, then go search youtube or other video streaming sites for just for laughs videos and you'll see many clips from them.

But western gag shows are more on entertaining those who want to get entertained. The japanese, though, have taken it to another level. If you want to give someone a smile, and you want to guarantee that he/she smiles, show him a japanese gag show clip. Trust me, it'll work. Here's an example.

Carmen Soo...Soooooo Seductive

by Johny Cross | 7:02 PM in | comments (0)

I used to have a crush on Heart Evangelista back when I was in college. Truth is, Heart's appeal is for college boys. Not fur Men. I guess thats why Echo dumped her and is reportedly linked with Malaysian Actress Carmen Soo. One look at the pics, and you'll see how Echo has turned from boyish to masculine.

Credits to fleshasiadaily.com for the pics.

Pau Gasol, White and Soft

by Johny Cross | 6:15 PM in | comments (0)

Every offseason, all NBA teams are deploying scouts to different parts of the world in search of a star player. Nowadays, they refer to these players as the NEXT Dirk Nowitzki. A white player, a big man, a player who has that shooting touch.

But, whenever they do find whoever it is they are looking for, chances are the players get labeled as soft rather than a goldmine. This is the problem with one of my favorite teams, Dirk's team, the Dallas Mavericks.

This season, the Mavs had a chance to make a move on Pau Gasol, a white guy who, during his stay with the Grizzlies was labeled as soft, just as soft as Dirk was (and still is). And for his softness, the possibility of the transaction was ignored.

Many comments would say that Dirk doesnt like to play physical, or that Gasol is too timid, or
that Nash is too kind with the opponent, just as Bradley was, just as Okur is, and so on and so forth.

Come today, when Pau won that important Game 5 for the Lakers, and finally, it may all come to surface. The trouble isnt with these players. Its with the team management. If a player is soft, then find someone with a killer instinct to play along with him. Kukoc had Jordan and Pippen. Ginobili has Duncan. Nash has Amare, although Amare is looking to be a finisher rather than a creator. Now, Pau has Kobe. Look at the wonders it has done for the Lakers. Dont insist for a player to play the kind of style he doesnt play. Instead, create a system with the players you have, and the team will be more productive.

Thats what Pau proved today. He maybe soft. But Kobe's killer instinct gives him that confidence to play like the superstar he always is.

Im guessing the title says it all. You know how linux is shouting out loud wanting to be heard by everyone but Windows is always there reaping the benefits? Thats because most people arent just after freebies. They are after flavor. Why spend a hundred pesos for a starbucks cappucino and some snacks when you can make one for 15 to 20 pesos? It is Pinoy's nature to show others that they can spend. And in the software field, the pinoys are just as similar.

Too bad you cant spend a few thousand pesos to get these good programs, right? Well, here's a site you might want to visit daily. That because the site gives away LICENSED SOFTWARES that usually cost around 30 to 50 US dollars, absolutely free. Say what??? Thats right, free. The only catch is that each software is free to be downloaded and installed for 24 hours. Install the giveaway today and you can use it for a lifetime, or until your computer crashes down on you.

Here's the site


For its usefulness, we will be putting up their widget on this blog.

Enjoy downloading.

Johny D Cross finds a new home

by Johny Cross | 5:49 PM in | comments (0)

Unfortunately, blogs hosted by wordpress.com do not get the benefits of javascript and html. So we go to the hosting site which offers us the javascript and html goodies. Think of it as Johny Cross wanting development. By golly, thats exactly it.

Goodbye, wordpress.com. We had fun. Hello Blogger.

Who is Johny D Cross?

by Johny Cross | 9:02 PM in | comments (0)

Simple. He is you. He is that guy over there. He is that girl over there. He is me. He's everyone of us... Human beings that live a daily life. In here, we shall catalogue anything and everything, and we are gonna have fun doing that. Thats what Johny D Cross wants and thats who he is.