Pau Gasol, White and Soft

by Johny Cross | 6:15 PM in |

Every offseason, all NBA teams are deploying scouts to different parts of the world in search of a star player. Nowadays, they refer to these players as the NEXT Dirk Nowitzki. A white player, a big man, a player who has that shooting touch.

But, whenever they do find whoever it is they are looking for, chances are the players get labeled as soft rather than a goldmine. This is the problem with one of my favorite teams, Dirk's team, the Dallas Mavericks.

This season, the Mavs had a chance to make a move on Pau Gasol, a white guy who, during his stay with the Grizzlies was labeled as soft, just as soft as Dirk was (and still is). And for his softness, the possibility of the transaction was ignored.

Many comments would say that Dirk doesnt like to play physical, or that Gasol is too timid, or
that Nash is too kind with the opponent, just as Bradley was, just as Okur is, and so on and so forth.

Come today, when Pau won that important Game 5 for the Lakers, and finally, it may all come to surface. The trouble isnt with these players. Its with the team management. If a player is soft, then find someone with a killer instinct to play along with him. Kukoc had Jordan and Pippen. Ginobili has Duncan. Nash has Amare, although Amare is looking to be a finisher rather than a creator. Now, Pau has Kobe. Look at the wonders it has done for the Lakers. Dont insist for a player to play the kind of style he doesnt play. Instead, create a system with the players you have, and the team will be more productive.

Thats what Pau proved today. He maybe soft. But Kobe's killer instinct gives him that confidence to play like the superstar he always is.