Im not feeling so well today

by Johny Cross | 7:31 PM in |

I dont know, but i just woke up with numb feet, an achy head, a burning stomach, a sore throat, clogged nose, and my arms are painful too. I checked my temperature and it was 38.5. This is the flu, I think. Good thing I know a few things about the disease so here's what I did

1. Take Paracetamol 500mg during episodes of high fever. See, when you have a fever during flus, its the body actually combating the infection. You take anti-pyretics (anti-fever) only when the temperature exceeds 38.

2. Gargle. Make sure you gargle with a mouthwash with antibacterial effects. There are those products that give claims to provide an icy effect. Refrain from these. And when you gargle, gargle for at least 30 seconds.

3. Brush your teeth regularly. In fact, every time you finish eating something (or drinking anything that has a taste), you need to brush your teeth. The flu virus feeds on carbohydrates so we wanna keep the entry points clean of this.

4. Go HOT. Bath yourself with warm water. Eat hot soup.

5. Rest yourself. The more energy you save, the more energy your immune system can use.

6. Go for foods that rejuvenates you. These are mainly fruits and vegetables. Refrain from foods that make you stagnant mainly fried foods. Im taking apples and im feeling better after every bite. (When you take a bite, and swallow the apple, feel the sensation it brings to your body. If you're imaginative enough, you can feel small electric discharges rush through your body towards your fingers and toes).

7. Sleep in a non-humid environment.

8. Sleep with hard pillows. By this, i mean that you make sure that your head gets elevated so as to open your nasal passages.

Oh well, im hoping i get better tomorrow.