
by Johny Cross | 8:49 PM in |

The reason i have not posted for the past few days is because I had to leave for Manila. I apologize if anyone was expecting for an update.

When I'm not at home (or at work), its very hard to find a place where I can just sit down, relax, and share a few words on my blog. See, unlike at home, i have to deal with the hassles of commuting just to get to an internet cafe (and hope that my online games are available there, lols).

Anyway, the major reason actually is Cosme. Funny, PAGASA chose to name the typhoon with a name that actually brings smile to many Pinoys. If I were to exclude everyone else's problems with the typhoon, I'd say I'm pretty much in hell myself. I was doing a little shopping to give my wife and children when I return home, then the rain drops so heavily, its like you're being poked with blunt objects.

Buses and jeeps are filled with passengers, and youd have to wait in the middle of the highway, or else, lose the chance of getting a seat. Hailing a taxi isnt a ray of sunshine either. The dark and cloudy atmosphere seems to make the drivers lose sight of those people waving their hands just to get noticed, and when the taxi does notice and stop, they'd stop about a hundred feet from where you are. And did i mention you're doing all that with the rain hammering down on you, and your shoes -and your feet- getting soggy and cold (and painful for those with certain illnesses).

And thats just me. Go get a newspaper of all the damages this Cosme has done. Cosme is supposed to be a character played by the Philippine Comedy King. But this time, we're not laughing.