Erotica sucks....

by Johny Cross | 8:37 PM in |

I bought FHM Annual Collectors Magazine while I was at Manila. If you notice the cover, it says Ladies Confession Special. Well, sorry to say this but whoever bought the damn thing would be half disappointed.

The whole point to the Ladies Confession Title is that its about girls telling stories of their naughty doings. That, and a few photos and sketches of what guys like to drool on.

I ripped the plastic covering and opened the first page of my newly owned magazine and there I saw names of, guess what, Writers..and when I say writers, I meant professional ones. Let me make it clear that I'm not against arts and literature. I have my share of them at home and also love to collect them (I'll probably post about the 20 copies of the little mythology book someday). But FHM is FHM...sigh

So there I was, I turned to some pages. Sure I liked the photos, but Im not after that either. Whats the purpose of a reading material if you dont read it? Then I read some of the stories. I confirmed it in less than an hour. This isnt Confessions, its literary fantasy, with more emphasis on literary than fantasy.

Oh well, it is a collector's item. But...what a disappointment.