Im not feeling so well today

by Johny Cross | 7:31 PM in | comments (0)

I dont know, but i just woke up with numb feet, an achy head, a burning stomach, a sore throat, clogged nose, and my arms are painful too. I checked my temperature and it was 38.5. This is the flu, I think. Good thing I know a few things about the disease so here's what I did

1. Take Paracetamol 500mg during episodes of high fever. See, when you have a fever during flus, its the body actually combating the infection. You take anti-pyretics (anti-fever) only when the temperature exceeds 38.

2. Gargle. Make sure you gargle with a mouthwash with antibacterial effects. There are those products that give claims to provide an icy effect. Refrain from these. And when you gargle, gargle for at least 30 seconds.

3. Brush your teeth regularly. In fact, every time you finish eating something (or drinking anything that has a taste), you need to brush your teeth. The flu virus feeds on carbohydrates so we wanna keep the entry points clean of this.

4. Go HOT. Bath yourself with warm water. Eat hot soup.

5. Rest yourself. The more energy you save, the more energy your immune system can use.

6. Go for foods that rejuvenates you. These are mainly fruits and vegetables. Refrain from foods that make you stagnant mainly fried foods. Im taking apples and im feeling better after every bite. (When you take a bite, and swallow the apple, feel the sensation it brings to your body. If you're imaginative enough, you can feel small electric discharges rush through your body towards your fingers and toes).

7. Sleep in a non-humid environment.

8. Sleep with hard pillows. By this, i mean that you make sure that your head gets elevated so as to open your nasal passages.

Oh well, im hoping i get better tomorrow.

Its the 29th of May

by Johny Cross | 9:39 PM in | comments (0)

Wedding bells are yet to toll again as we enter the month of June. But you know what, I just can't let this month go while leaving behind someone precious, and who else is precious but this month's FHM Covergirl, Precious Adona. Enjoy the pics.

Leave her behind? No, you can't. You just can't.

Credits go to whoever uploaded it on the internet (of course it wasnt me).

Its ToyCon yet again

by Johny Cross | 7:19 PM in | comments (0)

Alas, Johny D Cross is once again to face his childhood. This coming June 14-15, the 7th The Annual Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention will be held at the SM Megatrade Halls 2-3. Be there and you may get a chance to find (and get) a limited edition toy you've been dreaming of. Or you maybe after the freebies. Hey, before you go home, you'll be guaranteed a number of FREE ACTION FIGURES you'll be collecting from different booths.

Further, you can delight yourself with different babes present in the convention. The idea is that the booths with attractive girls attracts more visitors, and I'm not talking about just men visitors, but men and women alike. See, once i was in a convention and there was this model (her name is Cherrysh, you probably know her coz she has posed for a men's mag) and there was this woman who wanted her boyfriend to pose with her for a picture, coz she's just so pretty. Haha.

And, don't we all just love cosplays? The event has one. And this is just one of the contests fans can join. To know more, just visit the site.

No, I wont have a booth there, lols. Johny D Cross is just another lay person, but this man has taste and knows the goodness in life. That's why i will be there, along with the other johny d crosses who just love a good event.

See ya there!!!!

Youtube Alternatives

by Johny Cross | 9:04 PM in | comments (0)

When you play online games (in an internet cafe), you would most likely NOT WANT to see fellow customers who are video and audio streaming. The most popular of these, is of course, Youtube. See, when a video plays, the browser needs to download the video first into the temporary internet files, before he can view it...and videos are big files which takes up a lot of bandwidth to download.

So, a friendly advise for video streaming fanatics is to satisfy your hobby in places where you wont be a menace, like say, your own home, or a cafe which caters more to non-gamers like you. There are a few of them though, so good luck.

Now, aside from youtube, there are plenty of other video streaming sites you can go to. Some, can even stream you live tv channels (like, a site i featured in my old blog at wordpress). Here are a few of them:

Yahoo Videos
Current TV
College Humor
Game Trailers
MySpace Video
Mofile TV

Have Fun with the list.

Wanna Play Poker?

by Johny Cross | 9:35 PM in | comments (0)

Sports Channels have added Texas Hold'em Poker into their timeslots and, what do you know, it attracted many pinoys to the game. I mentioned I was in Manila last week, remember? Well, late night is alive in Manila with Poker players gambling wherever there was a street light available.

The truth about Poker is that its not really a game you play because you wanna get rich, unless you're really dumb. It's a game you play because you want to test your wits, unless you plan on cheating. Texas is a game of wits, not a game of luck. The money you gamble is just a testament to your superiority in intellect.

So, instead of losing your money just to enjoy the excitement of poker, why not play with virtual money?

WWW.TRIPLEJACK.COM is a very good site for any poker players who are after good and clean fun.

Subscription is free. You can opt to pay a few bucks, though, to remove ads, and get some added bonus features.

You never run out of money. Sure, you may choose to go all-in and lose, but you instantly get 5000 virtual dollars when your bank money rans out.

If i know one thing about us Pinoys, its that if its a good site, Pinoys would most likely flood it. And trust me, it is flooded with dozens of Filipino Speaking people.

The best part for me, is that you get the chance to throw virtual pies on any player you want. Haha.

Oh, and did i mention that you also get to see Santa play Dealer on some tables?

Movie Scores

by Johny Cross | 7:24 PM in | comments (0)

Sure, you love to have the latest Rihanna or Miley Cyrus songs on your ipod. Thats what everyone wants. Thats what everyone is singing (or at least the young ones). Hey, once in a while, when you get bored listening to mainstream songs, try a different kind of music.

Movie Scores are those that composers make to give life to a scene in a movie. I figured, they may also give life to a scene in your life. When your feeling down, or when you need to reflect on your life once in a while. If they did their job in the movies, they may also do their job with you.

Here's a good list.



Youtube has prevented embedding of this. Titans Spirit as you may know, is the score for Remember the Titans. But, it is also occasionally used as a theme song (usually a closing song) for the winter olympics. Click on this link and you'll find one of the most beautiful olympic montage ever made.


The NBA Draft Lottery Process

by Johny Cross | 10:06 AM in | comments (0)

This is an explanation to how a draft lottery is conducted.

1. Only the first 14 picks are determined by the lottery.

2. The 14 teams with the lowest record during the preceding season are eligible for the lottery.

3. Each team are given combinations. Treat a combination as a ticket. The lower the number of wins a team had, the more tickets they get.

4. A Ticket has a ticket number (dont we all know that). The ticket number's pattern is a-b-c-d where each number is any number from 1 to 14.

Example. Miami could have been given 1-1-1-1, 1-2-2-2, 1-3-3-3, 1-14-14-14. Miami's winning ticket (the number 2 draft pick) was 1-11-13-7. So this means Miami was also given this ticket.

5. On draft day, 14 ping pong balls number 1 to 14 are deposited into a machine.

6. When drafting begins, they first determine which combination gets draft pick number 1.

7. During the previously conducted lottery, the first ball was 11, then 9, then 7, then 13. Ticket number 11-9-7-13 is owned by Chicago, thus giving Chicago the chance at Beasley or Rose.

Movies to Watch this 2008

by Johny Cross | 8:40 PM in | comments (0)


by Johny Cross | 8:49 PM in | comments (0)

The reason i have not posted for the past few days is because I had to leave for Manila. I apologize if anyone was expecting for an update.

When I'm not at home (or at work), its very hard to find a place where I can just sit down, relax, and share a few words on my blog. See, unlike at home, i have to deal with the hassles of commuting just to get to an internet cafe (and hope that my online games are available there, lols).

Anyway, the major reason actually is Cosme. Funny, PAGASA chose to name the typhoon with a name that actually brings smile to many Pinoys. If I were to exclude everyone else's problems with the typhoon, I'd say I'm pretty much in hell myself. I was doing a little shopping to give my wife and children when I return home, then the rain drops so heavily, its like you're being poked with blunt objects.

Buses and jeeps are filled with passengers, and youd have to wait in the middle of the highway, or else, lose the chance of getting a seat. Hailing a taxi isnt a ray of sunshine either. The dark and cloudy atmosphere seems to make the drivers lose sight of those people waving their hands just to get noticed, and when the taxi does notice and stop, they'd stop about a hundred feet from where you are. And did i mention you're doing all that with the rain hammering down on you, and your shoes -and your feet- getting soggy and cold (and painful for those with certain illnesses).

And thats just me. Go get a newspaper of all the damages this Cosme has done. Cosme is supposed to be a character played by the Philippine Comedy King. But this time, we're not laughing.

Real Fun is Japanese Fun

by Johny Cross | 8:32 PM in | comments (0)

Gag shows, the television shows have many of them. Some good clean fun that wants to make you grin or laugh from time to time. If you don't know what i mean, then go search youtube or other video streaming sites for just for laughs videos and you'll see many clips from them.

But western gag shows are more on entertaining those who want to get entertained. The japanese, though, have taken it to another level. If you want to give someone a smile, and you want to guarantee that he/she smiles, show him a japanese gag show clip. Trust me, it'll work. Here's an example.

Carmen Soo...Soooooo Seductive

by Johny Cross | 7:02 PM in | comments (0)

I used to have a crush on Heart Evangelista back when I was in college. Truth is, Heart's appeal is for college boys. Not fur Men. I guess thats why Echo dumped her and is reportedly linked with Malaysian Actress Carmen Soo. One look at the pics, and you'll see how Echo has turned from boyish to masculine.

Credits to for the pics.

Pau Gasol, White and Soft

by Johny Cross | 6:15 PM in | comments (0)

Every offseason, all NBA teams are deploying scouts to different parts of the world in search of a star player. Nowadays, they refer to these players as the NEXT Dirk Nowitzki. A white player, a big man, a player who has that shooting touch.

But, whenever they do find whoever it is they are looking for, chances are the players get labeled as soft rather than a goldmine. This is the problem with one of my favorite teams, Dirk's team, the Dallas Mavericks.

This season, the Mavs had a chance to make a move on Pau Gasol, a white guy who, during his stay with the Grizzlies was labeled as soft, just as soft as Dirk was (and still is). And for his softness, the possibility of the transaction was ignored.

Many comments would say that Dirk doesnt like to play physical, or that Gasol is too timid, or
that Nash is too kind with the opponent, just as Bradley was, just as Okur is, and so on and so forth.

Come today, when Pau won that important Game 5 for the Lakers, and finally, it may all come to surface. The trouble isnt with these players. Its with the team management. If a player is soft, then find someone with a killer instinct to play along with him. Kukoc had Jordan and Pippen. Ginobili has Duncan. Nash has Amare, although Amare is looking to be a finisher rather than a creator. Now, Pau has Kobe. Look at the wonders it has done for the Lakers. Dont insist for a player to play the kind of style he doesnt play. Instead, create a system with the players you have, and the team will be more productive.

Thats what Pau proved today. He maybe soft. But Kobe's killer instinct gives him that confidence to play like the superstar he always is.

Im guessing the title says it all. You know how linux is shouting out loud wanting to be heard by everyone but Windows is always there reaping the benefits? Thats because most people arent just after freebies. They are after flavor. Why spend a hundred pesos for a starbucks cappucino and some snacks when you can make one for 15 to 20 pesos? It is Pinoy's nature to show others that they can spend. And in the software field, the pinoys are just as similar.

Too bad you cant spend a few thousand pesos to get these good programs, right? Well, here's a site you might want to visit daily. That because the site gives away LICENSED SOFTWARES that usually cost around 30 to 50 US dollars, absolutely free. Say what??? Thats right, free. The only catch is that each software is free to be downloaded and installed for 24 hours. Install the giveaway today and you can use it for a lifetime, or until your computer crashes down on you.

Here's the site

For its usefulness, we will be putting up their widget on this blog.

Enjoy downloading.

Johny D Cross finds a new home

by Johny Cross | 5:49 PM in | comments (0)

Unfortunately, blogs hosted by do not get the benefits of javascript and html. So we go to the hosting site which offers us the javascript and html goodies. Think of it as Johny Cross wanting development. By golly, thats exactly it.

Goodbye, We had fun. Hello Blogger.

Who is Johny D Cross?

by Johny Cross | 9:02 PM in | comments (0)

Simple. He is you. He is that guy over there. He is that girl over there. He is me. He's everyone of us... Human beings that live a daily life. In here, we shall catalogue anything and everything, and we are gonna have fun doing that. Thats what Johny D Cross wants and thats who he is.