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Want More Predictions?

by Johny Cross | 9:36 PM in | comments (0)

When I first read about the prediction i posted yesterday, the first thought that came to mind was another prediction about a calamity hitting the Philippines. This was posted last year in another forum i regularly visit.

It involves our present day hero, pambansang kamao Manny Pacquiao...

13 days after Pacquiaos victory against Eric Morales naganap ang
wowowie stampede..

13 days after pacquiaos victory against Larios,Mayon Volcano erupted, many died in mudflow..

13 days after Barrera, Glorietta 2 exploded.

Many people were waiting to see what would happen 13 days after Marquez, but they were disappointed. Perhaps it was because the result was questionable. Or maybe because the fact that many knew of the prediction, it was cancelled.

June 29, Pacquiao won convincingly against Diaz. Mark your calendars for July 12. What do you know, now we have 2 dates to mark. 12 and 18. I urge everyone to pray, and pass this message so that everyone may be alerted and help in cancelling this predicted tragedy.

"●18 of July 2008: 8.1 earthquake in Philippines; thousands of people dead."

I dont know if this is true but as the 18th of July looms near, Pinoy Forums and Blogs are being haunted by posts which involves the prophecy of a Brazilian guy named Juseleeno Nobulega Daroose.

Here's the details provided by Kisstherain on yahoo answers (I dont know where these details came from originally. But Kisstherain's was the easiest to understand)

Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose is a Brazilian, born in 1960, 47 years of age and currently a vocational school teacher. He can accurately predict future events with unbelievable precision (including the year, month and day and has made attempts to systematically document his predictions everytime he wakes up from his 'prophetic dreams'. If the prediction concerns an ordinary individual, he will simply write a letter to warn him or her. If the prediction concerns a large number of people (or an important individual) and can have serious repercussions such that it warrants serious attention, he will send letters to the concerned agencies, governments, etc.

He mentioned that he began to have visions of future events in his dreams when he was still a child of nine years in 1969. Such dreams came naturally to him. He predictions are known to be unusually accurate. An outstanding example is afforded by his prediction of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. He had sent a letter to the Indian

He had sent a letter to the Indian Ambassador in Brazil to warn of the event eight years before it actually occurred in 1996. It was stated in the letter that "he predicted an 8.9 mag earthquake will occur on December 26, 2004 in Indonesia's Aceh. Indonesia and India will be devastated by a tsunami 10 meters high. Similar letters were also sent to the Thai, Phillipino, Indonesian embassies in Brazil. Ample proofs are provided by the time stamps on the letters. Unfortunately, appropriate actions were not taken by the authorities. Predictions (especially those that arise from prophetic dreams) are almost always treated with a high level of suspicion and skepticism since they lie in the realm of pseudoscience. However, there is still so much that science cannot explain. See for example the double-slit paradox in quantum physics.

Mr Juseleeno made known his predictions in the hope that people will take heed of his warnings so that these disasters can be averted. (From the Buddhist point of view, awareness of such predictions can have a subconscious influence on the course of future events. Our physical environment is intimately connected to not only our actions but even to our thoughts). He hopes there will be a major change in mindsets of people in the time period leading up to 2008.

Both Juseleeno and John Croino (another well-known but elusive prophet) predicted major seismic activities and climatic changes in the years after 2007. John Croino mentioned:

"Then from mid-2007, the shock of events and disasters will increase month by month, worse storms, more violent seismic activity, bizarre and terrifying ominous events that seem to foretell of some great change brewing. Most people will not truly realize even a hint of bad it will become until late 2008. Every year from 2007 until 2014, will be increasingly nightmarish, with the peak period being 2012-2014. The sky will be dark in those places for long enough to truly frighten people and damage crop yields."

Note that Juseleeno also predicted unusually dark and gloomy skies over large parts of the earth starting from 2012. The parallels between the two sets of prophecies are simply too overwhelming.

Mr. Juseleeno, born in 1960 (reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana’s death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911 and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and has an average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he will write them down, and send warnings to those concerned. If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warn him/her. If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters concerning the public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, but also related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media to publicize these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines of rejection for fear of arousing public panic.

Future Predictions:

● successful development of effective drugs for treatment of AIDS disease and Dengue fever
●18 of July: 8.1 earthquake in Philippines; thousands of people dead.
●Sept: terrorist attacks at the New York Empire State Building
●13 of Sept: Super-strong 9.1 earthquake in China; epicenter in Nanning and Hainan Island; also results in over 30 meters of tsunami costing millions of lives; likely to devastate Japan as well.

● 25th of Jan: an 8.9 mag earthquake in Kobe and Osaka, hundreds of thousands of people will be killed.
● Nov: another major earthquake will occur in Japan again, thousands of people dead.
● Economic crisis causes delays in payment of pension and insurance funds in Brazil; city and prison riots rampant.
● 24th of Aug: 8.9 mag earthquake in Istanbul of Turkey; the streets will be devastated.
● 16th of Dec: Sumatra 7.8 mag earthquake in Indonesia's Sumatra Islands in the East; thousands of people dead.

● average temperature of the African nations could be as high as 58 degrees Celsius; severe water shortages and droughts.
● 15th of May: New York stock market collapses, the world's economy plunges into major crisis.

● research into effective treatment of cancer successful, but a new disease will emerge. This deadly virus is named "ALS"; if infected with the virus, one can die in as short as just four hours.
● H5N1 strain of bird flu infects humans; pandemic causes more than 3 million humans to perish by 2013.

● massive desertification occurs from 2015 to 2020, leading to disappearance of a large part of amazon.
● from 6th Dec, the sky worldwide begins to turn gloomy: An ominous event which precedes dramatic earth changes and widespread and severe natural calamities.
● dramatic spread of infectious diseases signifies beginning of human extin
● dramatic spread of infectious diseases signifies beginning of human extinction.

● research into effective treatment of cancers (other than brain tumour) successful.
● violent eruption of volcano on Bahamas Island of the West Indies (islands near Caribbean Sea) from 1st to 25th of November, triggering unprecedented 150m high tsunami which travel rapidly to devastate large coastal areas of US, Brazil, etc. with about 80m high water waves. These huge killer waves will travel inland for about 20 km, causing tremendous loss of lives. Before the onset of the tsunami, sea level in the affected areas will drop by about 6 m and mass migration of birds will be observed.

● scientists discover that the slowly approaching asteroid 2002 NT7 might be on a colliding course with the Earth; if so, will lead to an unprecedented castastrophe which threatens the existence of mankind.

● Nov: the average temperature of the Earth could be as high as 59 degrees Celsius and

● mid April: powerful typhoon(s) strike China's metropolis; causing widespread damage and leaving about 1,000 people dead.
● U.S. (Ex) President George W. Bush will be rushed to hospital and face life-threatening crisis.

● leaders and scientists of the world largest countries in heated disputes amidst discussions on ways to avert the 'colliding asteroid' disaster. (Note: Jucelino had already, in 2000, foreseen the forthcoming disaster and had warned the NASA of the existence of this asteroid. NASA had confirmed its existence and had named the asteroid "2002 NT7" on 31st June 2002. From news on the web,

"On July 9, 2002, the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Project (an MIT Lincoln Laboratory program funded by the United States Air Force and NASA) in New Mexico detected a 1.2-mile-wide (2 km) asteroid. It has an orbit around our sun of 837 days, and early calculations indicate there is a small chance that this asteroid will collide with Earth on February 1, 2019

Asteroid 2002 NT7 has the potential to strike the Earth at over 64,000 mph and delivering and explosive force of 1.2 million megatons of TNT. The result of an impact by 2002 NT7 would be destruction of 'biblical proportions'."

● scientists may develop an ingenious way to avert the asteriod catastrophe; but if a collision results, one-third of the world population will perish. Jucelino predicted a probability of about 60 percent.
● major quake (more powerful than the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake) on eastern coast of Japan, leading to widespread destruction.

Now according to this site "His trick is to write letters about things that happened in the past, then forge a postmark on the envelope to make is appear as if he had written the letter before the event took place. He has been exposed for this fraud in the past."

Now, there's no harm in taking precautions, and thanks to this blog we are provided with information we can use just in case an earthquake does happen.

Till then, Spread the Word. They say the more people that waits for a prediction to happen, the lesser the chance the predction will come true.